Unnoticed and necessary

March 7, 2013



Without end

April 4, 2012

“He who has seen present things has seen all, both everything which has taken place from all eternity and everything which will be for time without end; for all things are of one kin and of one form.”

– Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. (121–180)


Get low

December 2, 2010















Bongoût Gallery in Berlin have finally announced that pre-orders are being taken for “Human Nature”, a 128-page, hard cover collection of photographs by Daikichi “Genki Genki” Amano. No indication when it will be released but, at only €39,95, it’s sure to sell out fast.


Braces - www.beautyandbraces.comPhotographer unknown. Source: http://www.beautyandbraces.com



Hell is other people?

July 8, 2007


“Crowd Porn 2” by xtrapop (from the “Coachella Porn – Dante’s Orgy” series)

The idea that the Red Hot Chilli Peppers could inspire anything but catalepsy in an audience is beyond both my belief and understanding but, sometimes, it takes a photograph to show you what is in front of your eyes.
For me, this beautiful photo series of crowd scenes at Coachella, by Flickr member xtrapop (a.k.a. Thomas Brodahl), immediately brings to mind the listless rutting depicted in the orgy scene of the movie “Perfume” rather than Dante’s diabolical torments.


Too late for tears

June 27, 2007


Those nice people at Condomania now have a blog dedicated to their growing range of artist-designed condoms and related stuff. They also took me totally by surprise recently by commenting on this blog!

“We recently got the bright idea to gather together a bunch of working artists and ask them to design packaging for condoms which will both interest and excite our customers. This website is our attempt to document that process while also pointing out where others in the condom industry are doing things right, and where they are doing things wrong from our perspective.”



(Kind of) Special

April 26, 2007

Kind of Special

Found in New York by Stephanie Max and uploaded to the essential ‘Dirty Found’ website.



“It’s like being unchained from a lunatic.”

George Melly, discussing the positive side of impotence.


Trevor Brown ‘Rubber Doll’ condoms

I’ve always been a big fan of condoms, regardless of necessity, so the launch of a new range bearing the “Rubber Doll” design of one of my all time favourite artists, Trevor Brown, is a cause for, erm, celebration.
